Sunday, April 15, 2007


Long awaited movie review after a long time :)

This is an all out war story. This is acutally a story book adaptation. It is a story about a group of 300 people fight aganist an army of a few lakhs who have come to invade their country. Wonderful computer graphics makes the movie worth the money. Many people liked the movie but somehow I felt there was something missing in it.

First of all the movie is narrated in a story book style. Some may like this as it is different from the normal way the movie is presented. In a movie you are supposed to show the actions that you try to imagine in a book, which is the basic difference between a book and a movie. You repeat the same dialogs as in the book is something absurd. Just imagine this when the war is going on and the son of the captain dies you hear a background dialog saying " the way in which the captain was fighting after seeing his dead son was something even the enemy feared". The same could have been shown in the form of actions... the enemy army being shown with fear in their eyes after looking at the captain's fury.

The war scenes are fantanstic. But the same being repeated for a long time is what I felt was boring. At any point of time you dont feel attached to the movie. Basically the fact that 300 people are sacrificing their lives for their country isnt captured properly. For those who appreciate the special effects in the movie may like it. Overall its a movie watchable but could have been made much better.

National Anthem

Recently there has been a controversy over the national anthem played in infosys, but I couldnt understand what the fuss was all about. If a person has made some mistake and has already apolozied for it then why create a big fuss about it. And then there was one more controversy about cauvery. If a person residing in bangalore, who runs his bussiness in bangalore expresses his opinion about it then whats wrong. Is he not supporting the movement. And then you have the local MLAs raising their voice aganist him. The cauvery verdict was given more than one month back and what did these MLAs do about the issue for so long. Instead of talking about this in the assembly they were talking about punishing Mr. Murthy. Now tell me which is more important: getting the right amount of cauvery water for karnataka or punishing murthy. The MLAs seem to have opted for the latter.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Crucifiction of Hindustan

India - Soon gonna be a Christian country???? Beleive it or not but its happening. Had been hearing about the numerous conversions taking place in the country with about 52% increase in the population of christians in the past one year. but the real shocker was the two rupee coin that I saw today. It had the crusaders cross embedded on it, the mark of the christians. The national emblem itself was made insignificant but the cross was huge. The India map is now replaced with the cross. When I first saw it I thought it was the currency of some other country. Cant believe whats happening in India. Since independence the coins always had either the india map or the national emblem but suddenly you now have a christian cross on the currency of our country. soon you may find an Italisthan emerging out of India. Is there anyone out there who can stop these politicians from destroying this country? Act now if you can... Save India